Friday, January 30, 2009

Peggy Has Had Another Stroke

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Peggy was with Bob at the house and was having trouble with her short term memory. She repeatedly said the same thing over and over. Bob became concerned and called 911. Paramedics picked her up and brought her to Shady Grove Hospital. She was evaluated and had a CAT Scan and blood work done. Everything at that point came back normal. She still seemed confused later in the evening. She had no recollection of the day. She couldn't remember the visitors she had earlier and had a hard time retaining new information.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
In the morning, doctors did a MRI and EKG test. The MRI showed that Peggy had a minor stroke. After the blood work came back, they realized the reason why she had the stroke was because her coumadin levels were too low. Last week Peggy's blood pressure was rising, which is a sign that her blood is thickening, but we didn't know that until now. Anyways, Peggy is feeling much better today. She might have to stay another night and there is talk that she might go to the same Rehabilitation Clinic that she was in before. 

Thursday, January 29, 2009
Peggy is doing fine today. The doctor just wants to keep an eye on her for a little bit longer. 

Friday, January 30, 2009
Peggy was transferred to the Rehabilitation facility today. They talked about her staying there for a week. I will get the room number and pass it on to anyone who wants to visit her. 

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